Friday, May 10, 2013

My Old Hobby

Life isn't easy...
People change...
I'm change...

Er... Hobi lama... Dulu phone kecil, sony erikson 3.5 mega pixel cukup da wat gambar2 menarik...
Tapi pas canggih2 dah phone ni, makin malu nak ambik pikca...
Pernah jugak terpikir, tukang gambar tidak masuk dalam pikca... Hmmm... X mau la ambik gambar lagi...
Tapi, tujuan ambik gambar tu yang penting... ^^
Ambik pikca bukan nak tengok diri sendiri dalam pikca tu... Cuma nak ingat keadaan masa tu... Miss my job as cameraman...

Right now, people around me, change... Ambik pikca, tapi org tutup muka... Hmmm...

X ramai yang mahu begambar...
Jan la ambik pikca org lagi pasni... Ambik pemandangan jak...

1 day I miss to make a short video... And...

Oh, think that 1 movie about friendhip... Hope can fix some broken part of that relationship...

I miss my friend in UMS, where always they come and sit in my table...
I miss a table with a group of family...
I miss to kacau makanan orang...
I miss them, poke me with penyepak on my head...

Miss that friendship hug...
Miss the thing that always we all agree to do it together...
Miss the moment where when we eat, eat in 1 small table with big laugh...
I miss the moment going out with big group of friend...
Miss a happy moment...

Miss the EXAM TIME...
All hampir gagal together...

Sekarang... Situasi berubah... Menjadi lebih hebat... Dan sa patut bersyukur dengan apa yang diberikan...


Er... Bukan ada yg tau pun sa post begini.. ^^


  1. Ada yg tau...bila dah tua nanti, akan teringat semua ni sampai mengalir tu air mata...

  2. X pula mau gtu... My goal to make them smile... Inshallah...

  3. aku tahu..hahaha~
    btw, byk pla bnda yg kita smua, inaradian lalui sma2 kan.. mana dgan kimia 60H...adush!
    seriusly, btul2 rsa nk p Ranau, p Kudat tpi x nk Maliau Basin lgi!

  4. Naek Gunung Kinabalu jum.. ^^v


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